Speed Pack

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project description

Although the warehouse management system was running PkMS, we needed the ability to quickly add new types of packing workflows that we were not able to easily achieve using the green screen interface of the iSeries application.

As a solution I developed a PHP based web application that allowed for many different packing workflows to include: single unit orders, scan-verify packing, non scan-verify packing, pack list insertion (automated), gift card packing. When the packing interface completed its transaction it would call PHP web services written on the iSeries to pass the data into PkMS and emulate the packing process in the master inventory system.

Certain packing workflows within Speed Pack will also handle the activity of capturing weights via inline scales, as well as creating conveyor missions to deliver packages to shipping lane assignments. And further, Speed Pack will add packages to a manifest when the package reaches its appropriate shipping lane assignment.

project info
  • Company : Speed Commerce
  • Date : 2013
  • Role : Architect, Lead Developer